The stress created by work-related debt can be overwhelming. It is common to report anxiety, overwhelm and depression when worrying persistently about money.

If you’re struggling with the mental health impacts of business debt, it’s important to seek support from qualified professionals. This page provides information on various organisations that offer help specifically for debt-related stress and mental health concerns.

Below, you’ll find a range of resources, including:

  • Charities providing telephone counselling and face-to-face meetings
  • Information on how to get therapist referrals from the NHS
  • Other useful support services
Managing Debt-Related Stress


National Charity Mind explains the link between money worries and mental health, including problems linked to avoidance, negative feelings and overspending.

They can offer:

  • A helpline you can call on 0300 123 3393 (9 am-6 pm Monday to Friday) or text 86463
  • Mental health services in local communities across England and Wales.
  • Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can listen, share and be heard.

Visit Mind


The NHS website offers some useful information on coping with financial worries, including links to further resources and how to get a referral for a therapist near you.

Find an NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT) here (you’ll need to registered with a GP first)

Visit NHS financial stress information


Samaritans offer a confidential listening service to anyone who is in distress. This could include if you have money worries and are also experiencing suicidal thoughts. The service is available 24/7 and 365 days a year – the number is 116 123.

Every day, Samaritan volunteers respond to around 10,000 calls for help.

They offer:

  • A free phone line you can call 24/7
  • Email support via
  • A self-help app so you can keep track of how you’re feeling, and get recommendations for things you can do to help yourself cope, feel better and stay safe in a crisis

Visit Samaritans website


SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.

Sane offers:

  • A helpline you can call on 0300 304 7000 (4:30 pm-10:30 pm)
  • Email support
  • The helpline is a confidential service for those aged 16 or over

Visit Sane website


Every day, Shout takes around 1,500 conversations with children, young people and adults in immediate need of support with their mental health.

To start a conversation, text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258.

Shout is a free, confidential, anonymous service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on your phone bill.

Visit Shout website


CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason:

They can offer:

Visit CALM